COOP’s upgrade project at a record speed

Read more about how COOP upgraded and refurbished their checkout PCs across all of Norway with the help of Onitio.
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Technology services
As Norway’s second largest grocery retailer, it is crucial for COOP that their technical equipment is updated and up to speed. Located all around Norway with approximately 1250 retail stores and 5600 checkout tills, operational stability is the key to success. This requires comprehensive planning, optimized scheduling, and disciplined work management.
To be as large of a grocery retailer as COOP, it is important to have a substantial focus with sustainability and this was one of the criteria when selecting a service partner. Onitio keeps a continuous focus on our environmental activities. Our primary environmental goals are the reduction of power consumption, total mileage and CO2 emissions. Onitio is a part of the national collection systems, ensuring a responsible collection and disposal of electronic waste and batteries. For this Onitio holds the certificate ISO14001.
Project management, logistic and efficiency are some of the few aspects needed to succeed
The project, with a timeframe of 9 months, started during the pandemic back in January 2021. This was a challenging time with obstacles such as restrictions and limited access to hardware. Good project planning and coordination was, and still is, essential when operating under abnormal circumstances.
To reduce technical downtime and dialog with COOPs’ IT support, pilots were carried out from Onitio and tested in store. 5528 POS was the target in 1250 retail stores. 4400 were reimbursed by new Toshiba POS, and 1128 was refurbished. All 5528 was preloaded with WIN10 upgrade and store/still specific configuration.
With focus on sustainability, the 4400 reimbursed PCs were recycled as electronic waste. After 165 business days and 62 units exchanged per day, Onitio has provided service such as:
- Project management and coordination
- Software delivery center (pre-loading of Image and store/POS specific config.)
- Purchasing of hardware on behalf of customer
- Logistics/transport
- Installation/ Rollout services
- Hardware upgrade
- Return and destruction of old equipment according to the ISO 14001 environmental standard
As Coops chosen service partner, Onitio was a natural choice when we decided to swap out all our checkout PCs. Learning from past equivalent projects and due to Onitio’s high-level quality of service, we were able to deliver the project at record speed and predictability. The way the project was lead and executed has since been recognized as an example for future projects.