Strike due to unsuccessful negotiations between Abelia and EL og IT

The negotiations on the collective agreement (IKT-overenskomsten) between Abelia (employers’ organization) and EL og IT-forbundet (labor union) with the National Mediator Tuesday and Wednesday this week was unsuccessful. Consequentially the labor union has effectuated a strike affecting, amongst others, Onitio Norway.
Current situation for Onitio Norge AS:
- 41 field service technicians (of a total of 255 technicians) are on strike.
- 11 specialists, workshop employees and dedicated consultants are on strike.
- 16 administrative personnel are on strike
- For service and installation, we are particularly affected in regions Vestfold and Telemark, as well as competence on server, storage and network in Eastern Norway and in region Mid-North.
- On-call technicians will continue in all regions.
- We will prioritize based on the severity and consequence of the incidents, and national health and security incidents will be prioritized.
In general, all our departments will be staffed and under control. However, some delays must be expected for our deliveries, especially in the most affected areas. Unfortunately, some projects and installations may have to be postponed. Onitio is committed to respect and comply with the rules related to collective agreements disputes and negotiations, therefore, we have limited flexibility to deploy additional workforce during a strike.
It is impossible to predict the duration of the strike, but once the strike is over, we will work towards normalizing the delivery situation as quickly as possible. Note that increased backlog may cause some delays even after the strike is over.
We apologize for any inconvenience this will cause and appreciate your continued support and cooperation. Please feel free to contact us at Onitio Norway if you have any questions.
Niclas Skogstad
Managing Director, Onitio Norge AS
More information to come..